113學年度第2學期各年級加退選課程開放時間表 Spring 2025 Adjustment Period Schedule and Information

公告日期: 2025-01-15




1. Please change your passwords before course registration to ensure the security of the process. Additionally, to maintain the rights and fairness of course selection for students, all course selections at our school must be done through the "Online Course Registration System." If any student is found to be using improper programs for course selection or violating the fairness of the process, upon verification, the Office of Academic Affairs will directly cancel their course registration and refer the case to the Office of Student Affairs for disciplinary action, in order to protect the rights of other students. Curriculum Online System: https://www.ais.tku.edu.tw/elecos/

2. After the course add/drop period ends, students who have not completed their registration will have all their courses deleted by the Academic Affairs. All students are required to check their course schedule on the EMIS starting from Monday, March 3rd, at the following website: https://tku.schroll.edu.tw/emis/, to protect their own rights and interests.

3. Please refer to the attached file.